Transportation & Logistics Blog | Sureway

Agent Tips: Setting Goals That Lead to Career Growth

Written by Sureway Transportation Company | Apr 21, 2023 5:36:12 PM

As an independent freight agent, the sky is really the limit when it comes to your career and how you grow it. But in order to develop in the right way, you’ve got to set up some clear and strategic goals as your guide. Taking the time to put your aspirations on paper (or in the cloud) is one of the most important first steps to moving your career forward.

Set Aside Some Time to Outline Your Vision

If you’re not sure exactly what you want, put some conscientious thought into it. Do you simply want to move more freight? Or do you want to move specific types of freight? Do you picture yourself working on your own in five years, or do you have interest in hiring employees? This type of soul searching can not only help clarify the direction your career can move into but might uncover new avenues you hadn’t considered yet. Start with 15 minutes of putting pen to paper and go from there.

Consider both the Short Term and the Long Term

Thinking ahead to 5 months from now is a lot different than 5 years from now. Not only is it the difference of time, but also the steps along the way. If you want to finish this year stronger than the last financially, put what you need into place. If in 5 years you want to triple your income, there are going to be considerably more steps along the way—all attainable if you outline them realistically! When you think short-term, don’t be afraid to put something on your goals list that is easy to achieve. The motivation you get from that accomplishment will give you energy for your next milestone.

Make an Action Plan

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (French author) said this in 1943, and it holds true. Once you’ve got your goals outlined, it’s time to pinpoint the action items that need to be accomplished. Check out resources near you that can help you get where you want to go. Maybe there’s an online sales course you can take on the weekends. Or maybe there’s a video by a leading expert that can give you the insight you need. Map out how long each action item is estimated to take and put them on the calendar. Commit to each step along the way!

Growth really doesn’t have an end goal, so it’s important to celebrate both the big and small accomplishments along the way. If you’re interested in learning about how we help our agents set goals at Sureway, get in touch with Wade Carey or David Messmer—they work directly with our independent agents to support all of their freight moving dreams.