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Focus on Freight: Food & Beverage Industry—We’re Ready for You!

With spring (finally) nearing an end, we can look forward to an increase in demand coming from the food and beverage industry due to the produce season ramp-up and the need to keep our coolers full of our favorite summer refreshments—including the recent fan-favorite, hard seltzer! 

As always, an increase in demand means an increase in transportation needs. Factor in seasonal spikes and you’ll quickly see supply and demand take effect. So, what’s the best way to meet these demands and keep rates steady? Be proactive! 

Give your carriers as much lead time as possible to help them find the best-fitting solution for your shipping needs, making it the most cost and time-effective for everyone. 

In addition to being proactive, having great connections and communication is equally important. Our agents are wonderful at earning strong partnerships through their service and expertise. This makes a demanding industry that much easier to navigate. 

Open communication with your customer is crucial during shipping, especially when dealing with produce. The proper temperature setting on the reefer unit and carrier selection that adheres to food-grade transportation are just a few crucial elements that should be discussed and known for certain, so nothing is left to guesswork! 

Overcoming the demands this season is a team effort on both fronts—learning your providers’ capabilities, matching them to your needs, and being able to adapt strategies to a change in supply and demand will ensure both parties are working together to achieve the best end results. 

Looking for even more ways to save on your freight rates this summer? Check out this article from our sister company, Anderson Trucking Service (ATS), for some great out-of-the-box ways to save on your freight rates!
