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Make The Jump!

Risks are an inherent factor in life. Almost everything we do every single day involves some level of risk. But is this good? Is this healthy?

No one likes the idea of failure. But how can one achieve greatness if the possibility of failure isn’t in the mix? While it’s true that not everyone is cut out to lay it on the line and take a chance on starting-up and running their own business, entrepreneurs have a way of ignoring the odds and banking on themselves. This is a kind of “gunslinger” mindset which can carry you to either the heights of victory or depths of defeat.

But if you lose a business, does that mean it’s game over? Not if you’re a true entrepreneur. Here’s a quick question … what do Dave Ramsey, Abraham Lincoln, and Walt Disney all have in common? Answer … they all previously declared bankruptcy.

Not every entrepreneurial endeavor ends up in bankruptcy, but some of the world’s most successful people have shunned conventional thinking and achieved tremendous heights in the business and political world by not paying attention to what others think. True entrepreneurs have a way of ignoring skeptics and reaching heights many people just don’t have the stomach to attain.

I’ve been working in the freight agent business for nearly four decades. I’ve often been asked why I don’t become an agent myself. It’s a fair question. The answer is simple: I’m more of a coach than a player. For the prospective entrepreneur out there, this is what I think it really gets down to. Are you better suited being a coach on the sidelines, calling in plays, or are you a player who needs to be under center, calling your own plays?

If you are the latter, I encourage you to ensure you’re playing on a solid playing field and check out Sureway’s brokerage agent program. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don’t have a solid field that you can count on, it’ll be hard to score many touchdowns in your business. Founded on the rock-solid principle that honesty and integrity end up on the scoreboard, ATS/Sureway is a special place where an agent can grow their business without any drama. We’ve been around since 1955, and have a track record second to none.

From our $250K bond, to our 3-day free quick pay to carriers, agents at Sureway can rest assured that they are building a business on as solid a foundation as there is in our industry. Come check us out and let’s chat!

Wade-CareyWritten by Wade Carey

Wade Carey has been working with independent agents for nearly four decades. With experience in both small, medium, and large organizations, let him show you how Sureway has the best value for brokerage agents in the country.

